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For 20,000 Leprosy afflicted people, Tahirpur is home. Tahirpur is also Asia’s largest colony for people affected with Leprosy (Source: The Leprosy Mission), who have been rehabilitated by the World Leprosy Mission. Several of the inhabitants live with their families and go about the regular activities of life- from school and social gatherings, to work and marriages with determination, pride and dreams.
The colony is an amalgamation of religions, cultures and people from various places; some are even migrants. Everyone is welcome here. The mixed group of people share a community feeling that gives them the strength they need to live their lives. They struggle to live and work with dignity and respect, but never is the struggle highlighted. When dusk comes calling, what we see is the confidence, the happiness, the strength and the celebration.
(Leprosy (Hansen's disease) is a chronic infection caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae. It results in damage primarily to the peripheral nerves (the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord), skin, testes, eyes, and mucous membrane of the nose. Access to information, diagnosis and treatment with multidrug therapy (MDT) remain key elements in the strategy to eliminate the disease as a public health problem, defined as reaching a prevalence of less than 1 leprosy case per 10,000 population. MDT treatment has been made available by WHO free of charge to all patients worldwide since 1995, and provides a simple yet highly effective cure for all types of leprosy, source WHO)
Photo Feature:Monis Ahmad

That’s what I am!
Leisure time
Hope she gets a better future!

Preparing for the Republic day

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As India gears up to celebrate its 60th Republic Day, some people are busy giving finishing touch to the preparations but often their efforts go unrecognized.
Photo Feature: Rozy Ibrahim

Barricades at the India Gate

Lights lit up the parade area.

Road for the parade being given its final touch

An ironsmith welds an iron railing

Arranging the chairs

To start up any proper community radio station a minimum investment of Rs 6-8 lakh is needed. This can further shoot up to Rs. 25-27 lakh depending on the quality of the transmitter. In addition the station also has to bear the everyday running cost that may range, on an average, anywhere between Rs 30,000-50,000 a month.

Having to make such massive investments, is it possible for any community radio station to survive in absence of profits?

Dr. R. Sreedher, the Director of Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMA) has a different take. “Nothing comes free of cost, not even social service. No community can run a station without churning out some profit to manage its day-to-day activities,” he says. “There must be some mechanism to generate some profits”.

His views are also echoed by G.R. Syed, In-charge of Radio Jamia. “Even if you call an MBBS doctor he demands for some money. You just can’t run a station with the help of volunteers for a long time.”

This long running demand for advertisement was also understood by the government. Earlier this year, the government allowed stations to advertise for five minutes in an hour of broadcast.

Although the final guideline is yet to be released, the major emphasis of the guideline is that advertisements should come from the local area only. Advertisement of government programmes and policies can also help great deal. But no national or international ads are allowed.


Community radios were set up on a non-profit model. However an average cost of running a community radio station comes to around 50,000 rupees a month. This includes the maintenance charge, payments to the people employed, rewards to the performers etc.

And for the sake of survival of the radio stations something had to be done. But what? Dr. Sreedher presented a model before the Ministry of information and broadcasting.

“Since government has allowed advertisement for five minutes per hour, if one rupee is charged for one second any station can earn 300 rupees per hour. These charges are nothing compared to All India Radio advertising rates,” he says. “AIR charges thousand rupees per ten second during time category-I, which is between 7- 11 am and 6-9 pm. If community station go on air for let’s say 10 hours a day then the revenue generated will 3000 rupees per day. In a month it will amount to rupees 90,000. Even if any station can get advertisements only for 50% of the allowed time, they will make enough to run the station.”

He further suggested that content production from Ministry of Health, NACO, DST etc. can also form a part of the revenue model. They will even provide the infrastructure or institutional charges for using the facility.

In the case of campus radio, studios can be used for the practical classes. Students of electronic media, journalism and mass communication will get the first hand experience. This will provide the faction of the lab charges to the radio station. Another initiative, which can be taken, is to broadcast birthday greetings for the audiences that have enrolled in, explains Dr Sreedher.

Classifieds ads are another option. Stations can even go for ads like sale of cycles, scooter, tractor, animals, rentals etc. Neighbourhood shopkeepers too can be asked to advertise. This will add to the revenues exponentially.

जगमगाती दिल्ली

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भारत वर्ष अपना 60 वां गणतंत्र दिवस समारोह मनाने की पूरी तैयारी कर चुका है। राष्ट्रपति भवन, केन्द्रीय सचिवालय, संसद भवन और इंडिया गेट जैसी सभी महत्वपूर्ण इमारतों को बहुत ही सुंदर जगमगाती लाइटों से सजाया गया है जो इनकी सुन्दरता में चार चाँद लगा रही है।

सत्यमेव जयते

जगमगता केन्द्रीय सचिवालय

इन्डिया गेट पर लाईट से बना तिरंगा

रात के समय केन्द्रीय सचिवालय

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Pandit Banarasidas Chaturvedi Aur Unka Daur

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Jamia’s Premchand Archive inaugurated an exhibition of the collection of Pandit Banarasidas Chaturvedi’s work and life this week. The collections in the exhibit comprise a wide range of photographs, books, letters and articles of his time.

The Director of the Prem Chand Archive, Sabiha Zaidi, said: “The archive aims at preserving the work of a legend who contributed in the national movement, social awakening and secular tradition of India. Pandit Ji wrote both in Hindi and Urdu; his writing depicts the plight of families of revolutionaries, Dalit, and communalism.”

During the exhibition, as a tribute to Pandit Banarasidas Chaturvedi, his grandson Dr. Apoorva Chaturvedi, TN Chaturvedi, a renowned Hindi author, and Wishwnath Tripathi, a counterpart of Pandit B. Chaturvedi, gave tribute lectures. The inauguration and the lecture were also attended by the Vice chancellor, Mushirul Hasan, lecturers and students.

Remembering the legend, Wishwnath Tripathi said Pandit Banarasidas Chaturvedi was a modest and determined writer who wrote what he felt. “He was man of social empathy who tried to reflect the complexities of that time in his literature.”

Taking a note on communalism, Pandit Banarasidas Chaturvedi had once said that it is quite possible that one can be a Hindu and an Indian too at the same time. “Epitomizing Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Banarasidas Chaturvedi argued that Gandhi “was a Gujrati, a Hindu, an Indian and a global citizen, and there was no conflict of functioning. The only problem comes when we toil to uniformity instead of unity,” Wishwnath Tripathi added.

Recalling the period of Pandit Banarasidas Chaturvedi, TN Chaturvedi said it was a time of simplicity, and writing used to be clear and direct. Pandit Banarasidas Chaturvedi was a common personality who was never wary about his attire but always serious regarding his work, Chaturvedi added. “He was not confined to one perception; he was a man of multi-dimensional writing.”

Pandit Banarasidas Chaturvedi was also known to be a visionary who has written ahead of his time. In his lifetime, he traveled to Fiji and Russia and met Indians living there. Touched by their plight he had written about Pravasi Bhartiya.

“In recent years we have felt the need for a Ministry of Diaspora, while he had written of this need decades ago. He was also acquainted with this subject that Gandhi Ji once said ‘if you want no about Pravasi Bhartiya you should ask Pandit Banarasidas Chaturvedi,” recalls Wishwnath Tripathi.

In his inaugural address the Vice Chancellor, Mushirul Hasan, said it is a matter of pride to have legendry work in our archive; the student of Jamia must be benefited by this collection.

With moist eyes the grandson of Pandit Banarasidas Chaturvedi, offered his thanks to Jamia‘s archive for the respect of the work of the literary man, and wished that students will witness this literary history.

“To make the Archive more popular among the students, we are organizing seminars in various departments and toiling hard to bring more of collection here. At present Acharaya Nishant Ketu and Padamshri Suntia Jain also agreed to contribute their work to the archive,” said Sabiha Zaidi.

Posted By : Ramashanker Pandey
Photo By : Gargi Nim

का विकास जिस रफ़्तार से हो रहा है, उसी रफ़्तार से यहांस्ट्रीट फूडकी खपत भी वढ़ती जा रही है यहां की सड़कों पर लगी समोसे, छोले-कुलचे और खानें की दुकानों पर लोगों की अच्छी-खासी भीड़ होती है। लेकिन ज़रा सावधान ! अचानक ही आप शिकार हो रहे हैं खतरनाक बीमारियों के यहां के खाने में मौजूद हो सकते हैं कई हानिकारक कीटाणु इम्यून सिस्टम के कमज़ोर होते ही आप गिरफ़्त में सकते हैं टी.बी, हैज़ा जैसे जानलेवा बीमारियों के

क्या हैस्ट्रीट फूड” ?

संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ के कृषि और खाद्य संगठन के अनुसार, “सड़कों और गलियों के किनारे लगी ब्रेड-पकौड़े, समोसे और खानें की दुकानें जहां खाद्य पदार्थों को इस तरह से तैयार किया जाता है कि लोग इसे फटाफट खा सकें

स्ट्रीट फूडका बढ़ता चलन

दिल्ली के जंगपुरा के साही हॉस्पिटल में फिजिशियन डॉ. संजीव जुत्सी के मुताबिक, “विकासशील देशों में भी अब स्ट्रीट फूड और फास्ट फूड का चलन बढ़ता जा रहा है अब लोग घर में खाना बनाने के बजाए बाहर का बना-बनाया खाना ही खाना पसंद करते हैं इस गलाकाट प्रतियोगिता के दौर में लोगों के पास खाना बनाने का समय ही नहीं है वहीं दूसरी ओर स्टूडेन्ट्स, पैसेंजर और कम आमदनी वाले भी इसे अपनी भूख शान्त करने का एक अच्छा विकल्प मानते हैं एक वर्ग ऐसा भी है जो इसके चटपटे स्वाद के कारण इनकी ओर खिंचा चला आता है

क्यों हैं खतरनाक ?

दिल्ली में जामिया नगर के अंसारी हेल्थ सेंटर के डॉ. इरशाद हुसैन का कहना है, “रोड के किनारे लगी इन दुकानों पर खाना बनाते समय साफ-सफाई का बिल्कुल ध्यान नहीं दिया जाता है जिस पानी का इस्तेमाल खाना बनाते समय करते हैं, वो साफ नहीं होता है इसकी वजह से इन खाद्य उत्पादों मेंइकोलाईऔरसाल्मोनेलाजैसे जीवाणु होते हैं जो पेट आंत संबंधी बीमारियों को जन्म देते है यहां खाना खाने वालों को कभी-कभीफूड प्वाइजनिंगभी हो जाती है

इन दुकानों पर हाथ साफ करने के लिए साबुन वगैरह भी नहीं होता जिससे लोग खाने से पहले हाथ धो सकें बर्तनों की सफाई पर ख़ास ध्यान नहीं दिया जाता है खाने में इस्तेमाल होने वाली वस्तुओं में भी मिलावट होती है इनके वेस्ट डिस्पोजल, पर्यावरण को नुकसान तो पहुंचाते ही है वहीं रोड के किनारे इनकी मौजूदगी यातायात को भी बाधित करती है

क्या है रास्ता ?

इसके लिए दुकानदार ही जिम्मेदार नहीं है पुरानी दिल्ली रेलवे स्टेशन के बाहर खाने का ठेला लगाने वाले श्रीप्रकाश दुबे का कहना है, “म्यूनिसिपल ऑथारिटी तो यहां के आस-पास के एरिया की सफाई पर ध्यान देती है और ही साफ पानी की सप्लाई पर

डॉ. जुत्सी ने इस बारे में कहा, “दिल्ली के म्यूनिसिपल ऑथारिटी को केवल उन्हीं दुकानदारों को खाना बेंचने का सर्टिफिकेट देना चाहिए जो साफ-सफाई और खाद्य सुरक्षा के सभी मापदण्डों को पूरा करते हों और अगर ये इन मानकों पर खरा उतरे तो इनके सर्टिफिकेट वापस ले लेने चाहिए साथ ही ऑथरिटी को भी ऐसे एरिया के स्वच्छता पर ध्यान देना होगा

हज़ारों लोगों को रोज़गार देने वालास्ट्रीट फूडका व्यवसाय आज आम लोगों की ज़रूरत बन चुका है साथ ही ख़तरनाक बीमारियों का घर भी तो आगे से स्ट्रीट फूड को हाथ लगाने से पहले वहां की साफ-सफाई पर नज़र डालना भूलें, नहीं तो ये आपके लिए मुसीबत भी खड़ी कर सकता है

Fashion in Preservation

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Up the sharp, winding stretch leading to the Kangra valley, along a five km stretch
at a height of 4,780 feet above sea level, one comes across a hub of what may be described as the ultimate in street fashion. This is the little pocket where ‘prisoners of conscience’ tailor, cheek-by-jowl with Tibetan escapees and the appointed guardians of the Tibetans in-exile, steeped in the craft of their land. McLeodganj in Dharamsala, also called ‘Little Lhasa’, is that patch on earth where fashion takes a new meaning from shop to shop. As the bus lumbers its way up the valley, one can inevitably find oneself in the company of three kinds of people —the Tibetan monks in their maroon and yellow robes talking on their mobile phones or listening to music on their walkmans; the foreign tourists, mostly Israelis and Japanese, with their backpacks, dressed in capris or jeans teamed with kurtis or t-shirts, an ‘Om’ emblazoned on the scarf or stole wrapped around the neck; and of course, the increasingly ubiquitous domestic tourist —either noisy college goers from Delhi in their branded shoes and cheap t-shirts, or Bengali families with trademark monkey caps worn by the males and children, and women in tangails or silks, accompanied by the unmistakable tinkle of the shakha-pola (red and white bangles) that marks their married status.

Get off at the bus stand, and the eyes notice two parallel streets running around a Buddhist temple. Endless stores — mostly emporia, handicraft centres and fashion outlets lined up on either sides, rubbing shoulders with momo kiosks and colourful restaurants serving everything from Israeli to Punjabi cuisine. Quite like the company in the bus, people of all hues and race come to McLeodganj and add to the richness of its cosmopolitan culture and fashion. Young Tibetans are clearly in awe of trends that blow in from the West. Whether it is the market place or the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts, youngsters are much at ease in their jeans and tees. Don’t be surprised if a Tibetan girl strolls down the street, a shovel on one shoulder and a chic looking bag on the other. More than 50 years in exile, Tibetans have opened up to change, and fashion definitely features high on their priority list. And, in tune with the winds of change is the move to hold beauty pageants each year. Started in 2002 by a young entrepreneur Lobsang Wangyal, the Miss Tibet contest is seen as an important chapter in the Tibetans’ entry into modernity. “There were murmurs of protest from some quarters of the society, but
people now realise that we have to move with modern times to survive. Younger generations respect their tradition, and yet love the modern fashion,” says Wangyal.

The market at McLeodganj is a shopping haven for tourists. While it may not offer the
existing popular brands, the collection of handicraft is amazing. Some may find the
pricing prohibitive, but for tourists like Marie Naudascher from Paris, it’s cheaper here than in her country. “I bought three knitted slippers and three chapka (fur cap with flaps) at prices much less than home. The best part is that I know what I have is authentic,” she smiles. The streets here are a riot of colours. From the dominant Tibetan hues of red and yellow to the simple blue jeans, from floral patterns on chupaas (the Tibetan traditional dress) to multicoloured bangles, from plain red t-shirt to striped scarf in red and blue — the place captivates the visitor’s sartorial senses. Traditional Tibetan prints, signs and symbols are a rage with the tourists. Almost all of the handicraft-cum-fashion outlets store some or the other form of the traditional Thangkas (pronounced ‘tong-ka’), which is a piece of handpainted silk with amazingly intricate designs of deities and scenes from the Buddhist faith. Fabric thangkas, mostly made of silk, some woven, some embroidered, and others made using a technique similar to appliqué, goes back many centuries in Tibet. The appliqué artists at Norbulingka Institute of Tibetan Culture (NITC) structure hundreds of handcut pieces of silk and brocade for their elaborate creations, which often take months. Skilled at creating and painting thangka, they are equally adept at woodcarving and carpentry, sewing and clothes making. Jamyang Nyima is a stitching instructor at NITC. He learnt his craft from the tailors of the Dalai Lama in Tibet. After escaping to India, he taught his skills to others escapees. “Clothing for Tibetans has changed. It’s much warmer here which requires a major change in dressing styles. However the basic design has stayed the same,” he claims. As more and more Tibetans pick up western fashion, traditional wear like chupaa is limited to festivities. Nyima says foreigners are more interested in Tibetan fashion and culture than the locals.

From sleeveless blouses to dragon-print shirts, belts, waistcoats and Chinese shirts –
there is an impressive variety of Tibetan dresses to pick up from at the Norbilingka
showroom. The prices begin at Rs. 1500 and can go up to Rs. 50,000. For something more affordable, one should visit the Tibetan Handicraft Centre in the main market at the
end of those parallel streets. There is also a small tailoring unit where one can find ready-to-wear Tibetan shirts for as less as Rs 220. There is also the option to select the fabric of
choice and get a made-to-order customised dress. Not shirts alone, they also sell chupaas,
chapka hats, shawls and even Tibetan flags. Across the street from the tailoring unit, lies
the main showroom of the Tibetan Handicraft Centre, selling almost every kind of handicraft —from carpets to bags, from incense to lamps. The price again is affordable and genuine. A few metres away on the other lane stands the store of the Tibetan Children’s Village. Children who are unable to study further are taught skills like tailoring and designing, and the products they make are sold in this store.
For Tibetans, fashion is not just about preservation, it is also about economic empowerment. That is one reason why a number of organisations, like the Tibetan Children’s Village, have chosen this route. Another such group is Stitches of Tibet. Started by the Tibetan Women’s Association in 1995, the organisation helps unskilled Tibetan women, most of them recent escapees, to become self-reliant. The range of traditional and modern Tibetan garments and handicraft that are produced during the training period are sold at the Stitches of Tibet store. Another organisation, the Gu-Chu-Sum movement of Tibet, was formed by former prisoners settled here. They began with a small tailoring unit, and later got associated with Tibetan Collection, a wholesale trading company that promotes Tibetan handicraft and garments in India and the USA.
Situated right in the heart of India, this undoubtedly is a unique retail market. One can only hope it retains the flavour of the land even as the winds blow in from across the mountains.

ट्रिपस्टर ०९

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जामिया मिलिया इस्लामिया विश्वविद्यालय के इलेक्ट्रिकल इंजीनियरिंग डिपार्टमेन्ट में 'ट्रिपस्टर ०९ दा बैरियर, स्विचिंग दा सोसाइटी ( रुकावटों को पार करना और समाज को जोड़ना ) फेस्ट संपन हुआ। स्वामी अग्निवेश इस कार्यक्रम के चीफ गेस्ट थे। यह फेस्ट २३ जनवरी, ०९ को सुबह :३० रैली से प्रारम्भ हुआ। इस रैली का उद्देश्य देश के शहीदों को श्रधांजलि देना था। इस फेस्ट में इंजीनियरिंग के विद्यार्थियों को विभिन्न प्रकार से जागरूक करने के लिए अनेक प्रकार के कार्यक्रम आयोजित किए गए। जैसे सूचना का अधिकार पर टॉक, फेस पेंटिंग , स्टेज प्ले आदि। इस फेस्ट में प्राध्यापकों , प्रवक्ताओं, विद्यार्थियों के साथ-साथ जामिया स्कूल के बच्चों ने भी बढ़-चढ़ कर हिस्सा लिया।

जामिया का तराना सुनते स्वामी अग्निवेश

खचा-खच भरा हॉल

फेस पेंटिंग द्वारा आतंकवाद को रोकने का संदेश

नो स्मोकिंग, हैल्दी लाइफ को प्रर्दशित करते छात्र

टायगर प्रजाति को बचाने का संदेश अलग अंदाज में
उभरती हुई समस्याओं के लिए एक जुट छात्र

To encourage Hindi Literature in its own way, Premchand Archives of Jamia Millia Islamia has organized a literary exhibition, based on the life of famous Hindi writer Pt. Banarasidas Chaturvedi. Gaurav Kumar & Dipu Shaw report.

Fate of Tongawallahs

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Old Delhi seems a little incomplete without the shouts of tongawallahs. With the government’s plan to put them off the road, how difficult would their future ride be.
Nazia Jafri, Neha Sethi and Kapou Malakar have the story.

Life after 60

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So does life end after retirement? Not necessarily. Even in the old age homes, senior citizens have found a sense of purpose and meaning. Sheeba Naaz and Sumiran Preet Kaur report.