We are the world’s fourth largest economy. We have sent a mission to the moon. And in two years we will organize the Commonwealth Games.
Delhi is one of the largest capitals of the world, home to 16 million people, the amount of garbage generated by this number is staggering. As with other exploding cities, our civic structure is not adequately geared to handle this tide.
Thousands of invisible hands, émigrés from Bengal and Bihar get dirty every day to clean our City. They live on as an invisible community on the outskirts of Delhi.
Despite living in the capital and with so many governmental educational schemes, their children don’t have the benefit of attending school.
These children are often busy looking after younger siblings or helping their parents with their work. As they roam aimlessly around the slum, one wonders if they have any future in this transforming capital of the biggest democracy of the world.
Photo Feature: Babu

Sweet home
Medication in Deprivation
Don’t we deserve a better treat?
Smile burden with liter
The game goes on.....